Funky Yoga Community
FUNKY YOGA Essentials
block bottle of water funky yoga mat must have namaste strap yoga yoga essentials
Improve your practice and get the best results with the perfect FUNKY YOGA Kid Essentials. Are you new to yoga or been practicing for a while?. Keep reading for the top 4 yoga essentials to improve your practice. "At its very core, yoga is about connecting the mind and body. You can "do" yoga without any equipment at all. Even sitting and breathing mindfully as you quiet the mind is a form of yoga. That said, when you do a yoga YouTube video or having an awesome yoga class is easier and more comfortable when you have the proper tools at your disposal."...
Easy Steps to For Immediate Happiness
Namaste Funky Yogis! Yoga Man Dan here with this week's Funky Blog, all about happiness! Happiness does not come easy. It takes time, dedication, and consistency. The good news is although it does not come easy, the steps to get there are! Here are some steps I recommend to be a more happy person living a more fulfilled life. 1. Being Aware You have to know where you are to know where you are going. It begins with opening your eyes and being aware of the world & people you surround yourself with. Take a step back...
Top 5 Yoga Books All Yogis Should Read
Namaste Funky Yogis, and Happy June! Yoga Man Dan here with this week's Funky Yoga Blog. I read A LOT, I believe it to be very important to read text instead of staring at screens all day. So, I decided to compile a list of the Top 5 Yoga books I think every yogi should read :) 1: Yoga Sutras of Patanjali - Patanjali This text is a world-wide "bible" of yoga. It is written by Patanjali, a scholar in his times from a school of Hindu Philosophy. Also known the "The 8 Limbs of Yoga", the...
The Top 5 Vegan Superfoods You Can Get Anywhere
Cacao Powder Goji Berries Pomegranate Quinoa Superfoods Turmeric Vegan Vegan Superfoods
Happy day Yogis! Dan the Yoga Man here with this week's yogi blog! We all know that whatever you put into your body, you are either feeding or fighting disease. What we eat is very important! Although it can be difficult for some to convert to veganism, it is still possible to incorporate vegan foods into your everyday diet. So, I compiled a list of my Top 5 Vegan Superfoods to share with you. 1. GOJI BERRIES Rich in antioxidants (which fight free radical damage) and vitamin A, there have been some studies that suggest goji berries can help...
The Truth About 'Good Vibes' ✌️
"Nothing but good vibes, man." "I dig that chick's vibes" "I can feel your positive vibrations" Namaste yogis, and welcome to another beautiful week on Earth! I have been surrounded by amazing vibrations lately, moreso than usual. Due to my curious nature, I developed the nagging urge to do some research into the 'Good Vibes' phenomenon to help convince my not-so-spiritual friends, and I found some interesting stuff! The Law of Attraction For those unfamiliar with the concept, The Law of Attraction in a nutshell [Because it in a deep and meaningful philosophy], stated simply, is that the...